Thursday, January 14, 2010

Congresswoman Capito : Health care reform bills will cost West Virginia $147 million to $725 million more for Medicaid

WV congresswoman Capito reports that Health Care Reform bills passing House and Senate will result in West Virginia taxpayers paying at least $147 million or as much as $725 million more in costs to Medicaid.

DHHR Examination of Projections

Full Impact of Legislation - DHHR Side by Side

Letter to Congresswoman Capito

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Candlelight Vigil outside Senator Rockefeller's office in Fairmont, West Virginia, 12-16-09.

We stood in the freezing Christmas winter because we did not want him to vote for the health care reform bill.

The Senate passed the bill in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve while most Americans might be preoccupied. Rockefeller voted for the bill.

In 1993, Rockefeller knew West Virginians opposed Hillary care, but threathened to force it upon us whether we wanted it or not. He appears to be keeping this promise.